01.02.25 Update
Thank you for your patience as we work to get this new initiative going! Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts we must push back the launch one week however here is all you need to know.
- Where: Wakefield Hills Elementary School
- When: January 11th
- Time: Boys 1:30 - Girls 2:15
- What: Skill building and fun! Bring sneakers, water and a ball (not required). We will be providing shirts!
* Bringing a ball is encouraged, but not mandatory. A Size 5 ball (27.5") is recommended. A size 4 if you can find one or a size 6 will be fine, as well. We will also bring some balls.
12.10.24 Update
The West Warwick Basketball League is happy to announce that registration for our new Kindergarten and First Grade League will open this coming Friday.
This is a 6 week program to introduce beginners to the sport of basketball. Each session will have fun, educational lessons to teach basic basketball skills, gradually moving to more advanced skills week by week. In the final week, the kids will enjoy a beginner-friendly, shortened game to showcase their skills and have fun.
Sessions will start on Saturday, January 4th and end on February 8th. All sessions will be at Wakefield Hill Elementary School.
Update: Session will start at 1:30. If needed, a second session will start at 2:15.
10.27.24 Update
We are excited to announce our upcoming K-1 division. More information is coming soon. If interested, please fill out the following form and we'll email you when it's time to sign up. Request an email
10.21.24 Update
We are down to the last week to register for the upcoming winter league. Please use the registration link at the top of the page to register.
09.30.24 Update
Registration for the WWBL Winter league is now open. Please use the registration link at the top of the page to register. Divisions available for players grade 2-11.
Winter League Details:
- 1 practice during the week
- 1 game on Saturdays
- The season runs from November through February
- We offer discounts for families that register more than one player:
- $75 off for two kids
- $200 off for three
- $325 off for 4 children
- Max price for a family is $175
We also offer financial assistance for those in need.
*Stay tuned for kindergarten & first grade programs coming soon!
** Please email us at [email protected] if you are interested in financial assistance.
09.14.24 Update
Yesterday, we had a technical issue that was charging a $15 late fee to all orders. We immediately addressed the issue and refunded families that completed the registration process.
In the future, if you have an issue with the site, or see something like an incorrect date, or price, please email us directly at [email protected]. The sooner we hear about it, the sooner we can fix the issue.
09.30.24 Update
Registration for the WWBL Winter league is now open. Please use the registration link at the top of the page to register. Divisions available for players grade 2-11.
Winter League Details:
- 1 practice during the week
- 1 game on Saturdays
- The season runs from November through February
- We offer discounts for families that register more than one player:
- $75 off for two kids
- $200 off for three
- $325 off for 4 children
- Max price for a family is $175
We also offer financial assistance for those in need.
*Stay tuned for kindergarten & first grade programs coming soon!
** Please email us at [email protected] if you are interested in financial assistance.
09.14.24 Update
Yesterday, we had a technical issue that was charging a $15 late fee to all orders. We immediately addressed the issue and refunded families that completed the registration process.
In the future, if you have an issue with the site, or see something like an incorrect date, or price, please email us directly at [email protected]. The sooner we hear about it, the sooner we can fix the issue.
09.13.24 Update
Registration for the WWBL Winter league is now open. Please use the registration link at the top of the page to register. Divisions available for players grade 2-11.
Winter League Details:
- 1 practice during the week
- 1 game on Saturdays
- The season runs from November through February
- We offer discounts for families that register more than one player:
- $75 off for two kids
- $200 off for three
- $325 off for 4 children
- Max price for a family is $175
We also offer financial assistance for those in need.
*Stay tuned for kindergarten & first grade programs coming soon!
** Please email us at [email protected] if you are interested in financial assistance.
06.21.24 Update
Summer schedules are now online.
Our Summer schedules are now available under the "Game Schedules" tab in the nav bar. Download a copy of the PDF today.
06.21.24 Update
Still wondering which team your child is on?
We've heard from several parents that have not heard from their coaches. We've reached out the coaches, and you should hear from them over the weekend. Please be patient. All coaches are volunteers and are busy as the rest of us.
06.08.24 Update
Were you emailed about an open balance?
Once activated from the waiting list, the parent of a player is required to go back into the system and make a payment. If you haven't done so, you would have received a email reminder to do so. If you think you have made a payment and received reminder in error, please email us at info.westwarwickbasketball.com. Do stress, we'll work it out.
06.08.24 Update
Late registration has ended
Thank you all who have registered. We are looking forward to another exciting summer season!
06.05.24 Update
The Summer Season kicks off on Monday June 24th
We are happy to announce the Summer League will officially start on Monday June 24th and will run through Friday August 16th. There will be 8 league games and 1 to 2 playoff games, depending on the number of teams in each division. There will 1 to 2 games per week. The top 4 teams will in each division will make the playoffs.
We will schedule the draft once all open coaching positions are filled. Please come back to the site and check our instagram account for more info on the coaching vacancies.
06.01.24 Update
Registration has been extended for 1 more week!
We've had so many people sign up at the last minute, we've decided to extend registration for one more week. While we'd love to wrap up registration early, which would give us more time to plan the Summer season, we don't want any kids to miss out. Unfortunately, this will probably delay start of the season by a week. We're looking to start during the third week in June.
Registration will close next Friday night at midnight! Don't miss out. Once we close, we won't be taking any late registrations.
Summer league games are played at Riverpoint Park and Maisie Quinn School in West Warwick. Info and directions can be found under Locations.
05.22.24 Update
Summer League Game and Practice Update
Registration was down briefly this morning. This has been corrected and registration is available again.
Details are subject to change, but summer league games are Monday through Wednesday beginning at 5:30 with the last game starting at 8:30. If games are rained out, they will be made up on Thursday nights. The season will start mid-June and end mid-August. There are no practices during the summer.
Summer league games are played at Riverpoint Park and Maisie Quinn School in West Warwick. Info and directions can be found under Locations.
05.21.24 Update
Summer League Registration Closing soon!
Registration closes on May 31st. Please use the registration link at the top of the page to register.
04.15.24 Update
Summer League 2024
We're excited to announce that the registration for the 2024 summer league is now open. Please use the registration link at the top of the page to register.
02.20.24 Update
Winter Playoff Schedule
Please visit the game schedule page and download the Winter League PLAYOFF SCHEDULE.
01.30.24 Update
Please visit the game schedule page and download the updated version of our game schedule. We've added two make up games. Review the pdf for your time and location. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to YOUR COACH. (If you do not see the updated schedules, please clear the cache in your browser.)
01.23.24 Update
Team and Individual photos will be held this Saturday at Deering Middle School. Review the pdf for your time and location.
12.10.23 Update
There are no practices at Wakefield Hills this Tuesday night. All other practices are on as scheduled.
11.30.23 Update
There are no games this weekend. This weekend's games will be rescheduled sometime during the season. Sorry for any inconvenience. For next week's games, please check the time and location for week 2 games on your schedule. If you have not downloaded a schedule yet, please do so today. A link to the schedules can be found in the nav bar.
11.19.23 Update
Let the games begin!
WINTER SEASON UPDATE: The WWBL had it's draft this weekend. You should be hearing from your child's coach no later than the end of today. Practices begin this week, and games start the first weekend in December. Looking forward to another fun and exciting season of basketball.
11.1.23 Update
Late registration period runs from 10/30 - 11/08. There is still time to register, but note that we are in our late registration period. There will be a $15 late fee for any orders during this time. There is also a chance that divisions are full and you may be put on a waiting list.
Did you know that the West Warwick Basketball League offers financial assistance for those in need?If approved by the league, we may be able to offer you a discounted rate, or a payment plan. If you have any questions, please reach out. Contact info is located at the bottom of the page.
10.27.23 Update
UPDATE: TWO MORE DAYS ADDED TO THE REGISTRATION PERIOD! Winter registration is closing soon. Please click the "REGISTER" link at the top of the home page.
*Please note that there have been some changes to the registration window this year. The last day for registration is October 29th. There will be a late registration period from October 30th - November 8th. All late registrations will be charged an additional $15. There will be no exceptions.
10.09.23 Update

Tryouts for the 2023-2024 travel season are scheduled for October 29th from 6-7:30pm at the West Warwick Civic Center.
All players interested in trying out must meet the following requirements:
- Must be a West Warwick Resident
- Must be a registered player for the West Warwick Recreational Basketball League
- Must be in grades 3-8
Our travel season will consist of the following:
- 9 Regular season games and playoffs with the Metro West/RIYBA
- 4 RI Tournaments hosted by RIYBA (RI Youth Basketball Association)
We are currently searching for a 3/4th grade Girl’s Coach. If interested, please let us know.
The current fee for the season is TBD. However, team Fees will be offset by fundraising.
Any questions, please contact Chuck Foley at 401-632-7240 or by email [email protected]
09.26.23 Update
Winter registration is now open. Please click the "REGISTER" link at the top of the home page.
*Please note that there have been some changes to the registration window this year. The last day for registration is October 27th. There will be a late registration period from October 28th - November 8th. All late registrations will be charged an additional $15. There will be no exceptions.
08.24.23 Update
Summer Playoffs
Our Summer playoff schedule is now available online. Please click the "Game Schedules" tab in the top nav.
06.30.23 Update
Let the games begin!
Summer leagues games begin on Monday July 3rd. On a normal week, the games will be on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday will be used during holiday weeks and if we need to move games due to rain.
This week schedules:
- Monday, July 3rd - Games
- Tuesday, July 4th - NO GAMES
- Wednesday, July 5th - Games
- Thursday, July 6th - Games
All games will be at Riverpoint Park, or behind Maisie Quinn school. If you are not familiar with these locations, please visit the locations page, under ABOUT US.
06.07.23 Update
This is the last day for Summer League registration!
Registration ends on Wednesday, June 7th. Don't miss out. Register today.
- Boys and Girls ages 7-16
- No weekends
- Games start in late June
- Games played outdoors
- No practices
- League ends before school starts up!
Click the "Login" or "Register" buttons at the top of the page.
Also, if you are interested in summer camps, please visit the Life of Hoops website.
This year, Life of Hoops is offering 2 summer camps to Rhode Island and Massachusetts residents! Camps are July 10-14th and August 7-11. Head to Life of Hoops website for more information, and don't forget to sign up for their monthly newsletter!
05.02.23 Update
Dawan Robinson, and Life of Hoops, are now proud sponsors of the WWBL.
This year, Life of Hoops is offering 2 summer camps to Rhode Island and Massachusetts residents! Camps are July 10-14th and August 7-11. Head to Life of Hoops website for more information, and don't forget to sign up for their monthly newsletter!
03.28.23 Update
We are currently looking for coaches for the 2023 season. If you are interested, please email [email protected].